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Mass Times

Mass Times


Mass Times


8:30am, Mass at Sotomayor chapel

Saturdays and days prior to holy days of obligation

8:30am, Lauds and mass at Sotomayor chapel
20:00, Mass at the Church of San Esteban

Sundays and Holy days of obligation (San Esteban Church)

There are Masses at 9:00, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00 and 20:00 hours

Community Worship Times (Sotomayor chapel)


8:00am, Morning Prayer: Lauds and Office of Readings
8:30am, Conventual Mass
21:00, Vespers and Antiphons to Mary and St Dominic

Saturdays and free days

8:30am, Lauds and Mass
21:00, Vespers and Antiphons to Mary and St Dominic

Sundays and Holy days of obligation

8:30am, Morning Prayer: Lauds and Office of Readings
21:00, Vespers and Antiphons to Mary and St Dominic



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Phone: 923 215 000
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